All Souls Day (Dia De Finados in Potuguese) which is related to the Halloween Day in America or Dia Dos Mortos in Mexico is celebrated all over Goa on Nov 2nd. It follows the All Saints day feast held on Nov 1st. People across Goa hold masses for their loved ones and others, praying safe passage to the eternal life in heaven. It is followed by the Alemacea Jevon.This practice is very similar to te one in Mexico and Brazil. In America it has evolved into what is now known has "Haloween" (from Middle English Alholowmesse meaning All Saints' Day and the night before it called All-hallows Eve and, eventually, Halloween). No matter what is is called across the world, it brings people together. Alemachea festa porbi soglenk !.............
Please click on picture below to see pictures from across the world in celebration of this day